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The oriental carpets market

This is what is happening today in the oriental carpets’ world

This crisis that has dragged on for years has been the cause why many traders and carpet warehouses have shut their doors. They all say that they sell, and in the end to show that they have good prices they offer bad rubbish as if it were  liquid gold, playing on people’s naivety. Unfortunately 99% of the people are completely in the dark, mainly because of bad information by cunning sellers, oriental and not, for which the only way to sell is impossible discounts all the time of year; they are real scams that damage the reputation of those few who want to work honestly, without conning anyone.

Television sales, fake auctions, clearance sales at 50% and 70% (now we get even 90%)  for total closure of  stores that never close are the order of the day. They are simply organized by companies that provide the manpower, the oriental carpets and also take care of the advertising campaign. To the store’s manager is proposed what is usually a percentage of 10% on the sale. Of course to work we need the naivety of the customer for leverage and, as they say, there is one born every day.

The oriental carpets market

To the person who believes to “have had a bargain” by buying at sales I say: The deal is always beneficial to the one who sells, but if the seller is honest and the client is not greedy (there are some of these around as well) it can be beneficial to both. The vendor must necessarily make a profit: the carpet dealer is forced  to buy cheaply if he wants to sell and then invest more money. Declaring that a carpet is worth 1000 euro and then propose it for 200-300 is big lie. Do you think such a seller deserves your trust?

The oriental carpets market

For some years now, this malpractice has moved to the web: we find sites with the same exact advertising that could be seen and can still be seen in many of the shops that have remained. When you see these labels do you ever wonder whether it is just a trick to “con” you? In our site you will see that we offer the very best examples of Ziegler carpets, but you won’t see one which, for the same measures, exceeds  € 2,300.00 including VAT. We do not adopt this policy of false discounts? We prefer to sell at the right price.

The oriental carpets market

See how much these better ziegler carpets cost? There isn’t one which goes over € 2.250,00

The oriental carpets market

Learn to know the difference between oriental carpets apparently similar.

In the following pages I want to explain the substantial differences that exist between oriental carpets apparently similar, but completely different. If you understand what are the most important details, you will find that there are carpets of very low quality and whose price seems a gift, that are passed off as if they were carpets of better quality. In reality they are total rubbish. I want you to know that no one says in the hope that if one day you went into a carpet shop, to finally make that purchase, you would look for the substance rather than looking to the fake discount. For a better understanding I have divided the arguments into three parts: Differences among classic oriental carpets, antique carpets and modern ones
