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Oriental carpets glossary

Oriental carpets glossary contains more than 450 terms related to the handmade carpet.

In our oriental carpets glossary , the menu of which you see on the right, you have a list of 450 terms related to the world of handmade oriental carpets that can also be found in the site.

Carpets glossary

Obviously it is in alphabetical order, but as there are many carpets, we have divided it into fifteen pages with terms including “from” “to”, then you know that a certain term can only be found in a particular page by following this order.
With time and patience we will enrich the oriental carpets glossary  with other terms and very beautiful related images.
For each term is a short and comprehensive explanation to better understand the carpet and tapestry world. If you have questions or need further explanation call us on 049 7800207 or write to:

at the bottom of each page you can find the information request form. There you can write if you are looking for a term you cannot find in our glossary of oriental carpets.

Oriental carpets glossary