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CAUCASUS - 260 x 140 cm - 8.53 x 4.59 ft - COD. 141906468179

karabagh rug
karabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rugkarabagh rug
Tipi di pagamento GB Rugs

8.700,00  iva inc.

extra UE citizens / UE companies

Technique: Handknotted

Origin: Caucasus

Age: Antique

Welft: Wool

Warp: Wool

Vello: Wool

Karabagh carpet hand knotted in Armenia in 1914 by E. Yeghiazaryan, in Russian Yeghiazarov.

Ancient Karabagh rug made entirely of wool, as is the tradition of carpets knotted in Azerbaijan. Obviously the colors used are natural, especially red. The carpet reproduces a hunting scene in a metaphorical way: the tiger as a sign of the supreme power and the victory of man. Karabagh carpet that was ordered in 1914 by Samson Stepanyan of the Vayq region, The Vayqa region south of Lake Sevan, and immediately to the west is the Karabagh.

Karabagh collector's rug, a unique piece made on commission.

The inscription under the image of the tiger is the word "Tigre" in Russian, woven however in the opposite direction (mirror effect). At the top of the carpet we can see the year in which it was made, 1914. Immediately after follows the name and surname of the person on whose behalf the carpet was made: Samson Stepanyan. KARABAGH CARPET of 1914. Name of client: Samson Stepanyan. The last word we can see is the surname of the author who made the rug: Yeghiazarov. Yeghiazarov is a Armenian living artist and especially famous in Russia, due to the change in his surname from Yeghiazaryan to Yeghiazarov. In this very particular example of Karabagh Carpet some parts of the selvedges are missing and we preferred only to block them in order not to eliminate the original of these. For the rest, this Karabagh rug has everything original, it has no restoration and uniform and complete pile. To learn more about Karabagh carpets, go to the GB-Rugs glossary.

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